This study was carried out to examine the use of traditional medicine in the treatment of malaria among pregnant women in Abraka, Delta State. To achieve this 4 research hypothesis were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of pregnant women aged 15-45 years attending Antenatal Clinics in five (5) selected Health facilities of Delta State. 420 respondents were recruited using multistage sampling technique while 300 respondents were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables and percentage. While the hypothesis were tested using T-test statistical tool SPSS v23. The result of the findings reveals that; there is a significant difference between the Socioeconomic status in use of traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria among pregnant women in Abraka, there is a significant difference between the age groups in the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria by of pregnant women in Abraka, there is a significant difference between the levels of Education in the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria among pregnant women in Abraka. And there is a significant difference between Urban and Rural areas in the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria by pregnant women in Abraka.Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that the Delta State Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Malaria support program should intensify support for radio jingles on TRADITIONAL TREATMENT with herbs in all the radio station in the state and the sub-station in the LGAs and the health workers in the ANCs should have well planned health education schedules for the year and this should include malaria in pregnancy and traditional treatment. Schedules should be followed religiously so that the pregnant women are well educated. Emphasis should be made on consequences of malaria to pregnant women and their unborn baby, to mention but a few.
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